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Bearing Witness: A History of Prints by Joyce J. Scott

Extended through September 2, 2024

at Goya Contemporary Gallery

NOW: Collaborations between Joyce J. Scott & Tim Tate

Extended through September 2, 2024

at Goya Contemporary Gallery

Joyce J. Scott: Walk a Mile in My Dreams

Baltimore Museum of Art

Photo: Mitro Hood

Timothy App

Installation at American University Museum

Joyce J. Scott

Dead Albino Boy for Sale

Sonya Clark

Detail of The Huest Eye
Published by Goya Contemporary / Goya-Girl Press

Jo Smail: If All the World were a Blackbird
Goya Contemporary Gallery

Goya Contemporary at Expo Chicago

Navy Pier, Chicago, IL

Louise Fishman

The Soul Selects: Louise Fishman and Her Heroes, Martin, Mitchell, and Hesse

at Goya Contemporary Gallery

Sonya Clark

Edifice and Mortar at Goya Contemporary Gallery

Joyce J. Scott

Installation of Araminta with Rifle and Vévé at Grounds for Sculpture, NJ

Charles Mason III

Detail of Always Saying I, Meaning We

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