"Goya Contemporary’s ‘Thread Lines’ – fiber works with personal as well as social commentary"
By Susan Isaacs
"Goya Contemporary’s ‘Thread Lines’ – fiber works with personal as well as social commentary"
By Susan Isaacs
Featuring: Joyce J. Scott, Tim Tate, Elizabeth Talford Scott, Sonya Clark, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Paul Daniel, Claire Campbell Park, Soledad Salamé, Lynn Silverman, Jo Smail
Featuring: Charles Mason III, Sonya Clark, Louise Fishman, Joyce J. Scott, Elizabeth Talford Scott, Soledad Salamé, Paul Daniel, Sanford Biggers, Claire Campbell Park, Howie Lee Weiss, Jo Smail
Featuring: Howie Lee Weiss, Trace Miller, Elizabeth Talford Scott, Fanny Sanín, Joyce J. Scott, Sonya Clark, Soledad Salamé, Charles Mason III, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Sanford Biggers, Claire Campbell Park
"Claire Campbell Park: Woven Wanderings"
By Noelani Kirschner
Featuring: Sonya Clark, Joyce J. Scott, Kyle Hackett, Claire Campbell Park, Louisa Chase, Christine Neill, Liliana Porter, Josef Albers
Featuring: Joyce J. Scott, Sonya Clark, Soledad Salamé, Kyle Hackett, Liliana Porter, Clarie Campbell Park, Louisa Chase, Josef Albers, Christine Neill
Featuring: Louise Chase, Kyle Hackett, Liliana Porter, Claire Campbell Park, Joyce J. Scott, Jo Smail, Sonya Clark
"Celebrating the Life of Bernard Kester"
Dorothy Collins Brown Theater, Leo S. Bing Building
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
"Art, Image, and Identity 1900-2000"
Made in California
By Stephanie Barron, Sheri Bernstein, Ilene Susan Fort, and Howard N. Fox